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Celebrity "Tea" 2021


Thank you for joining us for a special evening of entertainment and inspiration - while raising the funds to enable new couples to feel true simcha as they start of their lives together.


Payment Options



Credit card/Paypal

ELHKQ 2021 Flyers 10 HIRES _Color Flyer.jpg
ELHKQ 2021 Flyers 10 HIRES _Color Flyer RAFFLE.jpg

ELHK assumes no responsibility for prizes not claimed or collected within two weeks. We have made every effort to represent prizes accurately but some pictures are representative only. Certain restrictions apply to hotel stays. Ticket orders received after the drawing will be considered a charitable donation to ELHK.

IMPORTANT HALACHIC NOTE: According to most poskim (authorities of Jewish law), even a single ticket inappropriately placed into (or left out of) a raffle or auction may render the entire drawing invalid. The only feasible way to conduct a public raffle is to rely on the fact that all donors participate with the understanding that they are relying on the good faith efforts of ELHK volunteers to do their best to maintain the security and integrity of the raffle, and that each of you please release ELHK and the prize winners of any claims. Please be assured that we have been, and will continue to be, as vigilant as possible to prevent errors.

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